Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

Do you know?

These are some facts about some animals that may AMAZE us.
Do you know?

Croach has lived since Paleozoikum period. What are their abilities? Check this out!
1.       Can adapt toward extreme conditions, for example : nuclear radiation
2.       Can produce 400,000 eggs for a year
3.       Can eat everything. Yes, everything.
4.       Can run very fast because they have an antena (as organ of touch) and sirine (as dangerous signal)
5.       Can survive for 90 days without water
6.       Can still alive even though they lost their feet/antena
7.       Can still produce eggs although they dead or their head is cut off.

1.       They appear in summer because they were born perfectly
2.       Do fertilization only once at their life
3.       They suck blood because their need much proteins for fertilizing
4.       They have 6 needles for cutting our epidermis, making a hole on vein and extending salivary glands and substances
5.       They have a substance that prevent frozen blood that cause itch
6.       They like carbon dioxide, our perspiration, smells of foot, parfume, women’s hormone, dark colour and clean water.

Flea and Their Friends
1.       Flea is flying dirt who eat our ‘stratum corneum’ while producing digestive enzyme that cause asthma or allergy if it entered our body.
2.       ‘Tuma’ has lived on our eyebrows, dug our pores and stayed there!
3.       ‘Tungau’ has liver on our armpit or wrist. They produce eggs and contagious.
Buku pengetahuan paling jorok sedunia.

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